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Linux is a computer operating system (OS) that’s open source, customizable, and used worldwide: 

    • What it is?

      Linux is an OS that manages and interacts with a system’s hardware, like memory, storage, and CPU. It’s an alternative to proprietary operating systems like Microsoft Windows and macOS. 

    • How it’s developed?

      Linux is developed using the open source model, which emphasizes: 

        • Transparency 
    • Collaboration 
    • Releasing early and often 
    • Inclusive meritocracy 
    • Community 
  • How it’s used?

    Linux is used in the world’s 500 most powerful supercomputers. It’s also a stable foundation for IT workloads and deployments. 

  • How it’s customized?

    Linux is fully customizable, and different organizations and communities create their own versions of Linux called distributions or distros. Some popular Linux distributions include Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, and CentOS. 

  • How it’s installed?

    Linux is one of the easiest operating systems to install. Most versions of Linux offer a Live distribution, which means you can run the operating system without making any changes to your hard drive. 

Linus Torvalds initially developed Linux as a hobby in 1991.