Web Developer



Next.js is an open-source React framework that helps developers build full-stack web applications: 
  • Features
    Next.js provides additional features and optimizations for React, such as routing, data fetching, and caching. It also includes built-in optimizations like automatic image, font, and script optimizations. 
  • Server-side rendering (SSR)
    Next.js allows web pages to be rendered on the server for each request, rather than in the browser. This improves page load times and can help with SEO. 
  • Static site generation (SSG)
    Next.js includes features for static site generation, which can be useful for websites that process large amounts of data, like news websites or eCommerce platforms. 
  • Scalability
    Next.js includes a hybrid rendering model that can help projects handle increased traffic and content without sacrificing performance. 
Next.js is used by a wide range of companies, including small businesses, startups, large corporations, and Fortune 500 companies like Stripe, The Washington Post, Nike, OpenAI, and Netflix.